07 July 2015

List of undergrad Classics programs - more pandoc & github

I've kept ("maintained" would be too strong a word) a list of undergraduate classics program for a while now. I first started it when I was the webmaster for the American Classical League back in grad school and early in my career, but then I just kept it around because it seemed like a shame not too.

The other day I got a now rare update from someone on the list, and I thought this would be a good time to change the way I handle the whole thing.

First I figured I'd switch over the basic form of this very simple page from html to the easier to manage markdown, and then change my workflow to use pandoc to generate the html from this markdown whenever necessary. This part was fairly simple, though there were a few complications. For example, pandoc doesn't like html name tags, so in order to keep a bunch of internal links I had, I needed to convert those anchors to spans with IDs that matched the names I was using. BBEdit and its nice search-and-replace functionality to the rescue. I then did some minimal tweaks to the new pandoc-generated markdown file, so that pandoc could now generate some decent html from it.

Step 2 was to put the new markdown and html up on GitHub, instead of in my institutional filespace. Not only does this give me some version control over the files, but I can let other people edit the markdown and send me pull requests, instead of emailing me updates that I then put into the file. I don't think I'll get a lot of these, but you never know.

So I can now (1) make changes to the markdown myself, or accept pull requests with them in it, (2) sync my local github repo with the on-line version, (3) run pandoc on my local copy, and (4) sync it back to GitHub where I release a new tagged version. I then link to the files directly via rawgit. (The tag in GitHub is needed to make rawgit grab the correct version instead of the one it caches.)

The relevant links are here:

Check out the list and let me know about any updates via a pull request!

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